Barefoot Science — Tagged "barefoot running"

Kaki Normal vs. Kaki Natural: Apa Bedanya? - Pyopp Fledge Barefoot

Kaki Normal vs. Kaki Natural: Apa Bedanya?

Bentuk kaki yang dianggap "normal" saat ini ternyata lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh desain sepatu modern daripada anat... more

Do your feet get calluses after wearing barefoot shoes? - Pyopp Fledge Barefoot

Do your feet get calluses after wearing barefoot shoes?

In general, Calluses occur due to friction caused by incorrect running posture or technique, humidity or heat. If yo... more

Safe Transition to Barefoot Running - Pyopp Fledge Barefoot

Safe Transition to Barefoot Running

If your transition goal is to exercise using minimalist footwear, then the foot transition period will go through a m... more